Category: News

Partner Opportunity: SEMLA/South Apparel Online Shop

15 Jul 2024 - July 2024 SEMLA is seeking an apparel partner to create and run a SEMLA/South online shop for items such as t-shirts, shorts, hoodies, etc. to help promote the SEMLA brand, the South and Midlands Field...

Website Update

30 Apr 2022 - In order to make this website easier to update for all of the SEMLA Officers we have moved the site over to a new back end. At the same time we have moved to HTTPS...

Coronavirus - Season Suspended

20 Mar 2020 - As per England Lacrosse's Coronavirus Guidance, the season is suspended. This won't blow over for some/many weeks so clubs should cancel home field bookings and bookings for training sessions. No doubt many sports centres will...

LacrosseTalk Magazines

13 Jan 2020 - During a recent house move, I rediscovered a box full of LacrosseTalk magazines and realised that I had saved almost every issue. After an appeal to the lacrosse community those missing issues were provided by...

2018-19 League Restructure

22 Jun 2018 - Member clubs of the South of England Men's Lacrosse Association (SEMLA) have voted in favour of a radical shake-up of the league structure. It sees the biggest change in almost 15 years. Two parallel league...

Watch SEMLA Matches on YouTube

9 Apr 2017 - Thanks to Phil Docherty from 231 Lacrosse you can now watch highlights of some SEMLA (and other UK lacrosse) games over at his YouTube channel. And while you're over there why not subscribe? For a...