
Display All Fixtures
1st February 2025
Camden Capybaras 5 - 18SpencerPrem
Hampstead3 - 10Spencer 2Prem
Hitchin 2pmHillcroft 1 Prem
Bristol Bombers 10 - 1CheltenhamD1
Walcountians10 - 3Reading Wildcats D1
Welwyn Warriors 12 - 6Spencer 3D1
BathR - ROxford UniD2
Camden Capybaras 2 R - RPurley Raptors D2
Hillcroft 213 - 5Camden Capybaras 3 D2
Oxford Uni0 - 10 w/oBathD2
Buckhurst Hill 0 - 9Oxford CityD3
Milton Keynes Minotaurs R - RGuildford Gators D3
Spencer 4R - RCambridge City D3
8th February 2025
Hillcroft 1 10amHampstead Prem
Hitchin 2pmCamden Capybaras Prem
Spencer 2pmSpencer 2 Prem
Bristol Bombers 2pmWelwyn Warriors D1
Cheltenham 12pmWalcountians D1
Spencer 3 2pmReading Wildcats D1
Bath 12pm 3GHillcroft 2 D2
Camden Capybaras 3 11amPurley Raptors D2
Oxford Uni 2pmCamden Capybaras 2 D2
Cambridge City 2pmBuckhurst Hill D3
Guildford Gators 2pmOxford City D3
Spencer 410 - 0 w/oMilton Keynes Minotaurs D3

Key: R - R = Rearranged/postponed, w/o = walkover

Both home and away teams need to send in results to See the Club Responsibilities page for more information.

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